Travelling Dress: Ish Blogs
Monday, October 22, 2012
2012-10-22 Videoke at SM Megamall
First blood! The dress was not yet washed nor ironed but somehow it managed to look well this day. I glamed it up with a camera pendant necklace (bought at Trinoma Accessories Stand) and nude 2-inch heels shoes (Cardams).
In the morning, I wore it for a job interview in Smart Communications, Inc. I didn't remember what happened throughout the whole day but I went straight to Nina's despedida party later that night. We continued the celebration to the Videoke room in Timezone.
We sang a few numerous songs. Truly a night to remember! ♥
10:00 PM | back to top
 Travelling Dress: Ish Blogs
Monday, October 22, 2012
2012-10-22 Videoke at SM Megamall
First blood! The dress was not yet washed nor ironed but somehow it managed to look well this day. I glamed it up with a camera pendant necklace (bought at Trinoma Accessories Stand) and nude 2-inch heels shoes (Cardams).
In the morning, I wore it for a job interview in Smart Communications, Inc. I didn't remember what happened throughout the whole day but I went straight to Nina's despedida party later that night. We continued the celebration to the Videoke room in Timezone.
We sang a few numerous songs. Truly a night to remember! ♥
10:00 PM | |
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about the travelling dress
BondEEE's travelling dress materialized on September 30, 2012 when April, Nina and Ish visited Forever 21 in SM North Edsa The Block. With the approval of the president, Hazel, this delicate piece of clothing became the group's connection to one another. It was a perfect fit to everyone!
This dress shall travel miles as April, Hazel, Ish and Nina go to exciting places! All the emotions and picturesque scenery shall be stitched on the travelling dress through this blog.
about BondEEEs
Established on February 15, 2011, April, Cid, Hazel, Ish and Nina were the first five members of BondEEEs. Molded by their strong desire for fun and experience, the group developed a new way of turning a boring day to an exciting day-out! On March 28, 2011, Jusey completed the circle with his wits and charm. Since then, BondEEEs has been one of the strong groups of friends from UP Diliman.
2011-02-15 Nina's Blow-Out at Something Fishy, Eastwood
2011-03-28 Cid's Blow-out at Tokyo-Tokyo, Trinoma
2011-04-11 Swimming at Splash Island, Laguna
2011-08-18 Bowling Fun at SM North Edsa
2011-11-08 Cruise and Fine Dining at Manila Bay
2012-02-15 BondEEEs Anniversary at Dad's SM Megamall
2012-03-26 Heart Food Trip at Love Desserts
2012-04-12 Fun Rides at Enchanted Kingdom, Laguna
about this site
designer: Steff
banner: sweetsugar
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BondEEEs copyright 2014